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inferno engulfs okanogan neighborhood

investigators completed the first phase of gathering evidence at the suspected point of origin of last week's crestview fire in okan-ogan, but the exact cause has yet to be pinpointed, says okanogan county sheriff frank rogers.
“we still haven't identified the exact cause of the fire. we've collected lots of evidence at the scene and sent it to the state crime lab,” rogers said.

a “person of interest” — a man — has been interviewed, but no arrests have been made, he said.
the july 16 fire that began shortly before 3 p.m. blackened nearly 350 acres, damaged three orchards and burned five viewmont area houses to the ground, in several cases leaving nothing but the foundations, chimneys and ashes.
several other homes were damaged. no injuries were reported.

the fire burned through the viewmont-crestview neighborhood, around the hill along salmon creek, and up a draw to glover lane. rumors circulated around town about the cause and possible individuals involved. rogers said investigators have been checking them out, but so far they've all proven to be false.
“by the time i hit the hill, i heard two different rumors,” rogers said. he said rumors of a burn barrel or fireworks starting the fire both have been found to be untrue. “there's nothing at the scene to indicate a burn barrel,” said rogers.

investigators also haven't found any evidence to substantiate rumors that the fire may have been caused by some kind of electrical problem or kids playing with matches, he said. after three days of sifting through evidence at the suspected point of ignition next to an old building a couple blocks behind the okanogan junior-senior high school, investigators cleared the crime scene around 8 p.m. july 18, rogers said. analyzing the evidence is the next step of the investigation, he said.
“now we start putting it together, going through evidence,” rogers said.

for the county, detectives kreg sloan and mike worden have been working straight through their days off on the fire investigation, rogers said. even though the sheriff's office and fire officials confirmed that they've identified a “person of interest,” rogers said, “that doesn't mean he did it.”

on tuesday, rogers said he doesn't expect to make any arrests until the state crime lab in olympia completes its analysis of evidence collected at the scene and reports its findings. as the investigation continues this week, rogers said what investigators have determined is that the fire did start near an outbuilding or storage shed just off monroe street. the fire destroyed the building. when the out-of-town owner of the building was contacted, rogers said, he told detectives he wasn't even sure what was stored in the building.

the fire that destroyed the unoccupied building identified as the point of ignition was also a hot one, so investigators have to use screens to sift through ash and small pieces of evidence, said undersheriff joe somday.
okanogan fire chief gordon hennigs said heavy fuel loads of grass, sagebrush and juniper trees dried out by weeks of hot, dry summer weather caused the fire to burn so hot that virtually everything in the houses was reduced to ashes.

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